Quilling Logo Designs

Paper Quilling Logo Farasa

Paper Quilling Logo Farasa

Paper quilling logo farasa is one of my oldest artworks. It is a specialized design of Farasa logo implemented with paper quilling using 5mm paper strips. Farasa Gasht Afra (Also known as Farasa) is a travel agency in Iran which provides tours,...

Paper Quilling Logo Parsvox

Paper Quilling Logo Parsvox

This 28 cm x 28cm frame, is paper quilling logo parsvox. Paper strips are 5mm width, and the logo contains company name in black and symbol in red. Parsvox is a website about learning instagram techniques and content creation. Frames of...

Quilling Logo Radcom

Quilling Logo Radcom

The Quilling Logo Radcom is a 25 cm x 35 cm frame. It contains Radcom logo which is a software and hosting company. Typography and symbol shaping paper quilling techniques is used to make this logo frame. Paper quilling logo frames is a great...